Ein Portrait einer illustrierten Figur.
Benefits from the education and participation package can help your child to take part in community activities - for example, by providing a grant to enable participation in a school trip.

Education and Participation.

This page contains information on the education and participation package (Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket, or BuT). It tells who is eligible for benefits, what the amount of benefits is and what you need to do to obtain benefits.

Benefits under the education and participation package allow young people to participate in community activities and gain access to education. Financial support is aimed at children, teens and young adults.

Parents who do not have enough money to support their children can get help to do so.

People who receive the following benefits are eligible:

  • Unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II, or ALG II)
  • Social benefit under the second book of the German Code of Social Laws (SGB II)
  • Social assistance under the twelfth book of the German Code of Social Laws (SGB) (cost of living benefit and basic welfare for the elderly and people with reduced earnings capacity)
  • Housing benefit
  • Child allowance
  • Benefits under the Asylum-Seekers’ Benefits Act (AsylbLG)

In individual cases, low-income households may be eligible for BuT benefits even if they are not receiving the benefits listed above.

Age limits for education and participation benefits:

  • Children, teens and young adults can receive benefits in the areas of education and social and cultural participation up to the age of 18 years.
  • From ages 18 to 25, young adults are eligible only for benefits in the area of education.

Please note: There is no upper age limit for benefits in the area of education as part of the social assistance provided under the twelfth book of the Code of Social Laws.

Application or proof?

Whether you can submit an application or receive benefits from the education and participation package by providing proof depends on which benefits you already receive. You can find more information at the bottom of this page.

Who is entitled?

Among others, recipients are entitled to:

  • Citizen's allowance (Bürgergeld) 
  • Assistance towards living expenses
  • Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
  • Housing benefit
  • Child supplement (KiZ)
  • Benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act

Further requirements for benefits from the education and participation package

The child, young person or young adult

  • does not receive a training allowance 
  • is under 25 years old

Important: These requirements do not necessarily apply to benefits to secure your livelihood (subsistence assistance or basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity).

Children, adolescents and young adults up to the age of 25 can receive benefits in the area of education, and beyond that in the area of benefits to secure your livelihood (assistance with living expenses or basic security benefits in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity).

Children, adolescents and young adults can only receive benefits in the area of socio-cultural participation up to the age of 18.


You are not entitled to education and participation if 

  • you do not receive any of the following benefits:  
    • Citizen's allowance (Bürgergeld)
    • Assistance with living expenses
    • Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
    • Housing benefit
    • Child supplement (KiZ)
    • Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits ActI
  • Your child, adolescent or young adult is over 25 years of age (for benefits from the education sector), unless you receive benefits to secure your livelihood (assistance with living expenses or basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity).
  • your child, adolescent or young adult is over 18 years of age (for benefits in the area of participation), unless you receive benefits to secure your livelihood (cost of living assistance or basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity).
  • if your child, adolescent or young adult receives a training allowance.

Important: In individual cases, there may also be an entitlement to benefits from the education and participation package if no need for assistance was previously established. The responsible job center or social welfare office will check the entitlement and, if applicable, possible priority benefits such as housing benefit and/or child supplement (KiZ).

The facts about education and participation

Good to know.

Illustration des Wegweisers. Sie sitzt auf dem Rand eines großen Monitors. Ihre rechte Hand ruht auf einem Dokument, das den Antrag darstellt. Darüber schwebt ein weißer Haken auf rotem Grund

Apply for benefits online

You can apply for education and participation directly online here.