From the second half of 2022, you will be able to access an overview of the social benefits relevant to you using the social benefits finder function.
Questions about Social Benefits (Fragen zu den Leistungen)

You can currently find information about the following benefits on the Social Platform and submit online applications for many of them to several authorities.
- Unemployment benefit (ALG)
- Unemployment benefit II ( ALG II)
- Basic welfare for the elderly and people with reduced earnings capacity
- Cost of living benefit
- Benefits for education and participation
- Housing benefit
- Social housing eligibility certificate (WBS)
- Assumption of rent arrears
- Student support (BAföG)
- Vocational training assistance (BAB)
- Benefits under the Asylum-Seekers’ Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Child benefit and child allowance (KiZ)
- Benefit to promote integration into the labour market (Einstiegsgeld)
Additional information and services will be offered on the Social Platform in future.
The Social Platform now also contains comprehensive information on the following advisory services:
The Social Platform’s offering is constantly being expanded and updated. Click on the “Send application” menu item to find a list of benefits that you can currently apply for online. You can make an application on the Social Platform itself using one of the site’s own forms, or you are redirected to partner portals.
Whether you can submit an online application depends on whether your local authority has joined the Social Platform. Start by entering your postcode. The Social Platform will then check whether an online application is possible in this case and whether your local authority has joined the site.
The advice finder uses your post code to determine who is responsible for your enquiry and provide you with contact details. You can contact the relevant authority about your request.