Kopf des Wegweisers. Er hat schwarze, kurze Haare und trägt ein kariertes Hemd und eine rote Strickjacke darüber.
The free funding offers you an individual solution for (re-)entering working life - take your chance!

The most important facts

If you receive Citizen's Benefit (Bürgergeld), there are many support options to help you integrate into work. If these are not sufficient, you can apply for free support. You must meet certain requirements for this. Together with your job center, you can discuss tailor-made measures to help you find your place in the job market.


If you have been unemployed for some time or are under 25 and are having difficulty finding a job, you can apply for free support.

The aim of free funding is to give you exactly the support you need to find and keep a job. 

This can be achieved through the following, for example: 

  • You take part in an individual or group measure or further training courses
  • You take part in a regional project
  • You receive financial support, for example through grants, a loan or reimbursement of expenses

Your responsible job center will review and decide on your application for free support. The type of support will be agreed with you individually

Free funding is a discretionary benefit. This means that there is no legal entitlement to it.


You must submit your application before the expected costs are incurred. 

In individual cases, you can receive the free grant for up to 6 months after you have started work.

Who is entitled?

Free funding is a discretionary benefit. This means that there is no legal entitlement to it.

In principle, you can receive free support if you

  • receive citizen's allowance and are supported by the Jobcenter in your job placement.
  • need special support that is not covered by other statutory support benefits from Social Code Book II (SGB II) such as Citizen's Benefit (Bürgergeld)
  • have exhausted alternative financing options, for example bank loans or funding from third parties.

You cannot receive free support if 

  • you receive citizen's allowance as a top-up to unemployment benefit.
  • you can take advantage of other services offered by your Jobcenter, for example the reimbursement of application, travel or training costs.
  • benefits can be provided by a third party, for example other authorities, health insurance funds or pension insurance.

Important topics relating to free funding

Frequently asked questions about free funding

Illustration des Wegweisers. Er sitzt auf dem Rand eines großen Monitors. Seine rechte Hand ruht auf einem Dokument, das den Antrag darstellt. Darüber schwebt ein weißer Haken auf rotem Grund.

Apply Online

You can apply for free funding directly online here.