Kopf des Wegweisers. Er hat schwarze, kurze Haare und trägt ein kariertes Hemd und eine rote Strickjacke darüber.
Would you like to be supported in your job search by a private job placement service? No problem: If you receive an activation and placement voucher from your local job center, the costs can be covered by a certified provider.

The most important facts in brief

If you receive benefits from your local job center, specific services can help to introduce you to the training and employment market. The job center can also offer further support, for example if you have problems that are preventing you from finding a job.

The job center can:

  • Place you in employment subject to social insurance contributions
  • Introduce you to self-employment or
  • ensure that you take up employment.

The activation and placement voucher (AVGS) falls under these services.

The AVGS is valid fo

  • an internship
  • trial work or
  • offers of measures with a certified provider.

The measures also apply to a private employment agency. This can improve your chances on the job market by finding you employment subject to social insurance contributions.


The activation and placement voucher is a discretionary benefit. This means that there is no legal entitlement to support.

Your local job center will check on a case-by-case basis whether you meet the eligibility requirements.


If you would like to receive an activation and placement voucher from your local job center, certain conditions must be met.

Der ausgefüllte Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein muss vor Beginn der geplanten Förderung im Original mit den entsprechenden Anlagen beim zuständigen Jobcenter eingereicht werden.

Who is entitled?

In principle, there is no legal entitlement to the benefit. Whether you receive an AVGM is at the discretion of the relevant Jobcenter.

However, basic requirements must be met in order to receive an activation and placement voucher (AVGM):

  • You are in receipt of Citizen's Allowance and are receiving job placement services from the relevant Jobcenter
  • The need for the support service has been determined by the relevant Jobcenter

In these cases, you cannot receive an activation and placement voucher:

  • You are receiving unemployment benefits
  • The need for support has not been determined by the responsible job center

The most important topics relating to the activation and placement voucher

Illustration des Wegweisers. Er sitzt auf dem Rand eines großen Monitors. Seine rechte Hand ruht auf einem Dokument, das den Antrag darstellt. Darüber schwebt ein weißer Haken auf rotem Grund.

Apply for benefits online

You can apply for the activation and placement voucher directly online here.