The key points in a nutshell.

Alcohol addiction is a serious illness that can have a huge impact on the life of both the individual and their loved ones. Regular and excessive alcohol consumption can quickly lead to an addiction that severely affects everyday life.


An abrupt change in behavior, a loss or change in interests, a decrease in performance and a general deterioration in physical health can be the first signs of alcohol dependence. It is crucial to pay attention to these signs and seek professional help if necessary.


Alcohol counseling can help you to realign your life through individual discussions with specialists. Treatment options and how to deal with authorities and relatives can be discussed. The counseling sessions can be flexibly adapted to your needs and can take place in person, over the phone or online. As a rule, alcohol counseling is free of charge.


Those affected and worried relatives are equally welcome. Relatives can find more information in the section for relatives.


Important: The people with whom you have contact in the context of alcohol counseling are subject to legal confidentiality. If you wish, counseling can also be completely anonymous.

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Who is eligible for addiction counseling?

You should consider alcohol counseling if you answer "yes" to at least one of the following questions.

  • Do you have the impression that you drink alcohol too often?
  • Do you think you drink too much alcohol?
  • Do you drink alcohol even though you are in physically dangerous situations? For example in road traffic?
  • Do you drink alcohol repeatedly, even though this has already caused problems and arguments with other people?
  • Do you drink not for pleasure, but to compensate for problems or stress?
  • Do you suffer from reduced performance that is detrimental to your job or education, for example?
  • Are you unable to reduce your alcohol consumption, even though you would like to?
  • Do you constantly feel the urge to drink alcohol in everyday life?
  • Do you drink alcohol even though you suffer from physical or psychological problems?
  • Is drinking sometimes more important to you than work, social or leisure activities?
  • Have you had to drink more and more alcohol in recent weeks and months to get the desired effect?
  • Do you suffer from withdrawal symptoms when you don't drink alcohol?
  • Are you ashamed of your consumption or drinking behavior in front of others?
  • Have you been approached or criticized by work colleagues, friends or family members about your alcohol consumption in recent weeks?

Please note: A self-test cannot replace a medical diagnosis. If you notice any signs of addiction, contact a doctor or a counseling center.

Further information

Illustration einer Wegweiserin-über ihrer einen Hand schwebt ein Wegpunkt, über der anderen ein Kompass.

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Good to know.