Contents of this page

The social platforms offer counseling centers the following options:

  1. Listing as a counseling center in the counseling center finder - free of charge for recognized counseling centers
  2. Using the onlineAppointments - not available for all federal states
  3. Use of video counseling or anonymous chat to conduct online counseling sessions - not available for all federal states
  4. Maintenance of your own presence in the advice center finder - for registered advice centers
  5. Support area with manuals and video tutorials (coming soon) for the onlinefunctions
  6. General information on the social platform
  7. Contact persons and contact

1. listing as an advice centre in the advice centre finder - free of charge for recognized advice centres

The social platform offers citizens and relatives comprehensive information on the topics of

  • addiction (alcohol, drugs, medication, gambling, media)
  • debt (debt counseling) and
  • emergency housing assistance.

Persons affected can use the information to assess their behavior. It also provides a transparent overview of the help available.

Prominently placed on the page is the Counselling-center-finder function.

The advice center finder

Screenshot des Beratungsstellenfinders mit Filtermöglichkeiten, Suchfeld der PLZ und zwei vorgeschlagenen Beratungsstellen

The counseling center finder was initially filled with a data set of almost 3000 counseling centers throughout Germany. The aim is to enable those affected throughout Germany to find counseling centers near them for on-site counseling or to find options for online counseling.

Users can narrow down their search using various search filters.

Frequently asked questions about listing in the advice center finder

2. use of online appointment scheduling - not available for all federal states

The social platform is operated as a joint national project. However, not all federal states use the same services. Therefore, some functions are not available in all federal states.

Online appointment booking

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As an advice center, you can use this function to maintain free appointments that can then be booked by those affected via the social platform.

Frequently asked questions about booking appointments in the advice center finder

3. use of video consultation or anonymous chat to conduct online consultations - not available for all federal states

The social platform is operated as a joint national project. However, not all federal states use the same services. Therefore, some functions are not available in all federal states.

The online consultation

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You have the option of using a video platform provided by the social platform to conduct online consultations. This complies with data protection and IT security requirements.

Or you can chat anonymously with those affected via the platform.

Both services offer low-threshold access to advice.

4. maintenance of your own presence in the advice center finder - for registered advice centers

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After registering once, you can use the self-service area to maintain your presence on the social platform yourself and, for example, change data, add opening hours or adjust links. The service is free of charge and is available to all recognized advice centres.

5. support area with manuals and video tutorials (available soon) for the online functions

In unserem Support-Bereich finden Beratungsstellen Handbücher und Video-Anleitung (demnächst verfügbar) zur Bedienung der Services der Sozialplattform. Mit diesen können Sie sich auch eine Überblick über die angebotenen Funktionen verschaffen. 

Manuals & instructions

6. general information on the social platform

There are many social services and offers of help in Germany. The social platform is a website that brings all the information together in one place and provides guidance. Regardless of whether users are looking for information or advice or want to submit applications directly online - the social platform fits in with modern digital life and makes it easier for them to get help.


Legal basis

The Online Access Act (OZG) obliges federal, state and local authorities to offer their administrative services to citizens digitally. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is implementing this task with the social platform.

The platform is being developed according to the "One for All" principle (EfA). This means that other federal states can also use the platform and thus save time and money for their own digital developments.

The social platform brings users together with municipalities and advice centers - intuitively and innovatively.

7. Contact persons and contact

If you are interested in connecting to one or more of the functionalities (self-service for the advice center finder, online appointment booking or online advice), please contact the responsible contact person in your federal state for the social platform. You can find them in the list linked here:

To the list of responsible persons per fed. state