Diese Illustration zeigt eine Frau mit Pferdeschwanz
Arriving in a new country can be associated with many challenges. This service covers basic care such as food, clothing, accommodation and health services in case of acute need. The need can also be reported verbally so that you can be helped directly.

Important Facts

If you are not a German citizen and do not belong to an EU member state and are staying in Germany, you can receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) under certain conditions.


In principle, you can apply for benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act if your available income and assets have been used up or are not sufficient to live on and you do not receive any benefits under the Social Security Code.


You can apply for benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) online here.

Important for refugees from Ukraine:

Since June 1, 2022, refugees in need of assistance from Ukraine who are able to work have been entitled to - provided they apply for a residence permit in accordance with § 24 AufenthG:

Benefits in accordance with the Second Book of the German Social Code (SGB II)


Benefits according to the Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB XII):

Who is eligible?

You are entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) if you:

  • Are in Germany as an asylum seeker and are neither a German citizen nor a member of an EU state


  • Your existing income and assets have been used up or are insufficient to cover your living expenses and you do not receive any benefits under the Social Security Code.

    There is also an entitlement to benefits:

  • During the asylum application procedure or tolerated stay in Germany. The entitlement begins on the day on which the application for asylum was submitted.
  • After 18 months of residence in Germany, you are generally entitled to so-called analogous benefits, which cover the entire scope of the Twelfth Social Security Code, such as social assistance. 


You are not entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) if:

  • You are a German national or a national of an EU member state,
  • Your disposable income or assets are sufficient to live on,
  • You already receive benefits in accordance with the Social Security Code.

Furthermore, there is no entitlement to benefits:

  • after a final, negative decision on the day after your departure from Germany,
  • if the commencement of gainful employment is not reported correctly, completely or in good time,
  • if important changes in your personal and financial circumstances are not reported immediately to your competent authority,
  • after your departure from Germany, as the benefits are paid for the duration of the asylum application procedure/tolerated stay in Germany.

The facts about the Asylum-Seekers’ Benefits Act (AsylbLG)

Good to know.

Illustration des Wegweisers. Sie sitzt auf dem Rand eines großen Monitors. Ihre rechte Hand ruht auf einem Dokument, das den Antrag darstellt. Darüber schwebt ein weißer Haken auf rotem Grund

Apply Online

Here you can apply for benefits under the AsylbLG directly online.