Kopf des Wegweisers. Er hat schwarze, kurze Haare und trägt ein kariertes Hemd und eine rote Strickjacke darüber.
Have you been made redundant or is your contract not being renewed? Then unemployment benefit will initially help you to secure your livelihood while you look for a new job!

Zasiłek dla bezrobotnych (Arbeitslosengeld ALG).

Jeśli stracisz pracę i zostaniesz bezrobotnym, możesz ubiegać się o zasiłek dla bezrobotnych w swoim urzędzie pracy (Agentur für Arbeit). ALG jest świadczeniem ubezpieczeniowym. Jest on finansowany z tzw. ubezpieczenia od bezrobocia (Arbeitslosenversicherung). Jeśli przez pewien czas przed uzyskaniem statusu bezrobotnego byłeś ubezpieczony obowiązkowo lub dobrowolnie i opłacałeś co miesiąc składki ubezpieczeniowe, masz prawo do tego świadczenia.

W Niemczech rozróżnia się zasiłek dla bezrobotnych (Arbeitslosengeld) i zasiłek dla bezrobotnych II (Arbeitslosengeld II w skrócie ALG II, lub potocznie także Hartz IV).

Important: Report unemployment directly

It is important that you register as unemployed with the Employment Agency on the first day of your unemployment at the latest in order to realize your entitlement to unemployment benefit. 

You can register as unemployed in person or online at the earliest 3 months before the start of your unemployment. When you register as unemployed, you also submit your application for ALG.

If you know that your employment contract is coming to an end (e.g. due to termination or temporary employment), you can first register as a jobseeker with your employment agency. They will then help you to find a new job as quickly as possible.

Wer hat Anspruch?

You are entitled if you are currently unemployed, but are in principle able to take up employment subject to compulsory insurance (at least 15 hours per week) and meet the following requirements:

  • You have registered as unemployed with your employment agency.
  • You are actively looking for new employment subject to compulsory insurance and are working together with the employment agency.
  • You fulfill the qualifying period. This means that you have worked subject to compulsory insurance for at least 12 months in the 30 months prior to registering as unemployed (i.e. you have also paid health insurance contributions). Several jobs can be added together. If you have mainly worked in short, temporary jobs, you often have easier access to unemployment benefit. In this case, a qualifying period of at least 6 months applies to you.

    In addition to employment subject to compulsory insurance, other circumstances can also be taken into account for your qualifying period of at least 12 months:

    • You were voluntarily in unemployment insurance (for example, while self-employed).
    • You have raised a child (up to the age of 3).
    • You have received sickness benefit.
    • You have done voluntary military service, federal voluntary service or youth voluntary service.


You are not entitled if you are basically fit for work but do not have a job subject to compulsory insurance (at least 15 hours per week). Furthermore, if

  • You are working in a 538 euro job that is not subject to compulsory insurance and have no other work subject to compulsory insurance
  • you bring about the insured event (here: unemployment) yourself because you have given notice yourself (in this case, a suspension period may apply)


  • you are not actively looking for a new job (in this case, a suspension period may apply)

Najważniejsze tematy dotyczące zasiłku dla bezrobotnych (Arbeitslosengeld ALG)

Dobrze wiedzieć.

Illustration des Wegweisers. Er sitzt auf dem Rand eines großen Monitors. Seine rechte Hand ruht auf einem Dokument, das den Antrag darstellt. Darüber schwebt ein weißer Haken auf rotem Grund.

Apply for benefits online

You can apply for unemployment benefit directly online here.

Pomoc w każdej sytuacji życiowej.