From January 1, 2023, a major housing benefit reform will take place with Housing Benefit Plus. The information presented here does not yet correspond to the legal changes applicable from January 1, 2023 and is currently being adapted.

Illustration der Wegweiserin
Housing benefit is a very individual benefit. If you would like to check online in advance whether you are eligible, I recommend the housing benefit calculator. You can find more information on this in the "Further links" section at the bottom of this page.

Important Facts

Housing benefit is a financial subsidy towards the rent or costs incurred if you own a house or condominium. Housing benefit is funded half by the federal government and half by the federal states.


Housing benefit for tenants is paid if your household income is not sufficient to pay for adequate housing suitable for a family. You will receive housing benefit if the combined income of all the people living with you in the apartment is not sufficient to pay for a sufficiently large rented apartment. You can also receive housing benefit as a subsidy for housing that you own and live in yourself.


To receive housing benefit, you must submit an application. The local authority in your town will check the application and let you know whether you will receive housing benefit. You can also complete the application online.

Who is eligible?

Housing benefit is paid to:

  • Tenants or subtenants
  • Residents of residential homes
  • Holders of a tenancy-like permanent right of residence

Housing allowance is paid to:

  • Owners of a house or apartment
  • Holders of a permanent right of residence similar to ownership

The rent also includes the costs for:

  • Water consumption
  • Sewage and waste disposal
  • Stair lighting

You are not entitled to housing benefit if the combined income of all the people living with you in the apartment is sufficient to pay for a sufficiently large rented apartment.

Costs that cannot generally be covered:

  • Heating and hot water
  • Electricity
  • Parking spaces

The most important topics relating to housing benefit

Illustration der Wegweiserin.Sie sitzt auf dem Rand eines großen Bildschirms.Ihre rechte Hand hält ein Dokument, darüber schwebt ein weißer Haken auf rotem Grund.

Apply Online

You can apply for housing benefit directly online here.