Kopf des Wegweisers. Er hat schwarze, kurze Haare und trägt ein kariertes Hemd und eine rote Strickjacke darüber.
A job opportunity or "1-Euro-Job" can help you to find a job again after a long period of unemployment. At the same time, you are doing something good.

The most important facts in brief

Work opportunities (AGH), also known colloquially as one-euro jobs, are activities funded by the Jobcenter. These are available to people who have been unemployed for a long time and are receiving citizen's benefit. This measure is intended to support their (re-)entry into the general labor market. It is also intended to enable social participation in working life.


Work opportunities are intended to help people (re-)enter regular employment, but are not intended to be permanent. You are entitled to the benefit for a maximum of 24 months within 5 years. This entitlement can be extended once for a further 12 months. In most cases, however, work opportunities are initially limited to a period of 6 to 9 months. 


You can register your interest in this support at your local Jobcenter or online via the application page for work opportunities.


There is no legal entitlement to participate in a work opportunity.

A work opportunity is primarily a bridging measure and must be an activity that is in the public interest. This could be, for example, helping at an animal shelter or a food bank.

Who is entitled?

There is no legal entitlement to participate in a work opportunity.


However, in order to be eligible for this benefit, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You receive citizen's benefit
  • You have not worked in a job opportunity for a total of 36 months in the last 5 years
  • The work opportunity is necessary for you to be able to return to work
  • You have already exhausted all other advice and placement services provided by the
  • Jobcenter for integration into work and further vocational training


There is no legal entitlement to participate in a work opportunity. 

You cannot receive the benefit if 

  • you do not receive a citizen's benefit.
  • you have already taken up work opportunities for a total of 36 months in the last 5 years.
  • there is no need for work opportunities to place you in employment.
  • you have not yet exhausted all other advice and placement services provided by the Jobcenter for integration into employment and further vocational training.

The most important topics relating to work opportunities

Illustration des Wegweisers. Er sitzt auf dem Rand eines großen Monitors. Seine rechte Hand ruht auf einem Dokument, das den Antrag darstellt. Darüber schwebt ein weißer Haken auf rotem Grund.

Apply for benefits online

You can apply for work opportunities directly online here.