The key points in a nutshell

In the case of addiction problems with alcohol, nicotine, illegal drugs, medication or compulsive behavior - for example frequent participation in gambling - addiction counseling serves as the first point of contact for those affected and their relatives. The core task of addiction counseling is to provide important assistance. The majority of addiction counselling services in Germany are offered by public agencies and church organizations. There are also services offered by private organizations, foundations and associations.

Counseling is usually free of charge at public and church institutions (this is not always the case with private providers) and can take place in the context of personal discussions on site. Alternatively, many advice centers also offer telephone calls, online chats or emails - anonymously if desired.

In this context, it is important to note that the responsible counselors are usually specialists in the fields of medicine, psychology or social pedagogy and are subject to legal confidentiality.

You may be eligible for addiction counseling if one or more of the following points apply to you:

  • Regular consumption of an addictive substance is part of your everyday life 
  • You regularly engage in addictive behavior, such as gambling.
  • Your consumption of addictive substances has continued to increase over the last few months.
  • You have the feeling that you have to consume an addictive substance or indulge in an addictive behavior and can no longer actively decide against it.
  • Your family, acquaintances, friends or partner have expressed concern about your substance use or addictive behavior.
  • You hide or deny your use or behavior because you are embarrassed by the topic.
  • You feel physically unwell, nervous or depressed if you have to go without an addictive substance or behavior for a long time.
  • You are worried about a member of your family, a friend or acquaintance because of your substance use or addictive behavior.

Other topics around addiction counseling

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